George Washington & Israel


Dr. Lillback’s insightful work researches the question, “Is it inherently American to be pro-Israel?” While it is true Israel did not exist in Washington’s day, in fact, the British Balfour Declaration of 1917 began the process of establishing Israel 130 years after the US Constitution was written. Yet, could the evidence from Washington’ life and writings show that he knew far more about Israel than most thought possible? Within its pages, Dr. Lillback answers that question and reveals what other American presidents have to say on this very timely topic.

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Dr. Lillback’s insightful work researches the question, “Is it inherently American to be pro-Israel?” While it is true Israel did not exist in Washington’s day, in fact, the British Balfour Declaration of 1917 began the process of establishing Israel 130 years after the US Constitution was written. Yet, could the evidence from Washington’s life and writings show that he knew far more about Israel than most thought possible? Within its pages, Dr. Lillback answers that question and reveals what other American presidents have to say on this very timely topic.

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